Own your finances


Studying is great. You get to meet new people, do all kinds of fun stuff and even learn something along the way. There's only one problem: financial responsibilities. Couple that with a lack of financial knowledge and no money to spend and you've got a recipe for disaster. That's why 125Procent approached us to build a budgeting app that is just as effective as it is fun to use.

Let's face it: budgeting is notoriously boring. That's why we went for a personal approach, quite literally. Saldobaas is not just an app, it's your financial conscience. It will help you get on track and stay on track with tips and push notifications.

A budgeting app that's ridiculously simple and fun to use

The balance on your bank account doesn't tell you everything. That's where Saldobaas comes in, focusing on one single question: how much money do I have left to spend this month? The result is a dead-simple app anyone can use. All you need to do is enter your income and track your expenses every now and then. If you want to know what your status is, just check the app. It's that simple.

Visit apple.co/2Xkq3UK
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