Everybody work

DZB Leiden

DZB Leiden has been known for years as the social work place in Leiden and the surrounding area. Their aim is to help anyone who wants to work get a job. And they mean everyone. To support this ambition we developed a brand positioning, identity and a campaign that inspires employees and employers to make a valuable contribution to the job market.

Visit www.dzb.nl

From thinking in flaws to thinking in opportunities

On the topic of reintegration, emphasis is usually put on what is not possible. Whereas in reality a lot is possible. Instead of defining people based on conventional assumptions on what they can’t do, we define them by their unique strengths. Next to this positive approach, we developed a distinctive visual identity that differs from traditional communication in the sector. That's how we show that it can be done differently. Both in content and in form.

Visit www.dzb.nl
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